Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Meatza Pizza

Andy contributed the title of this post. Inspiration for dinner last night came from November's make-your-own-pizza party. It was just Andy and I though, so I rolled the Publix pizza dough into a large pie and then spread the dough with sun-dried tomato pesto (yummy!) instead of tomato sauce. It baked at 450° for about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I cut up 5 bacon slices and cooked them until crisp. I also used my mandolin to thinly slice a semi-frozen (key for using the mandolin) link of Whole Foods Italian turkey sausage, which I threw in the skillet with the bacon pieces. After the crust came out of the oven, the meat was sprinkled over the pesto, and then the whole thing was topped with provolone cheese slices (maximum cheese coverage). The pizza baked at 400° for 15 minutes. I served it with Baby Blue Salad.

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